We Solve The Energy Industry’s Biggest Problems

We invest in innovators with the tenacity, ingenuity and creativity to make a difference. Our team’s experience gives us a network and a deep understanding. Our heritage provides access to the world’s largest utilities and the know-how to deploy and scale ideas. By connecting these two worlds, we’re accelerating the clean energy transition.

About National Grid Partners
Our History

About Us

Investing in entrepreneurs with capital, resources, connections and know-how.

We launched in 2018 as the corporate venture and innovation arm of National Grid, one of the  world’s largest investor-owned energy companies. Since then, we’ve invested in dozens of companies that are making the power grid safer, cleaner, and smarter. Our team combines 100 years of investing experience and 125 years of utility operations. And we’re the only VC firm that’s built an alliance of over 120 global utilities.

Aerial view of a dam with water flowing quickly through it. There are green trees on both sides and a building in the distance

We turn the potential of energy into powerful relationships.

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